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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Make Every Day Earth Day

When reusable shopping bags first came on the eco-scene I was happy to embrace them. I found that integrating them into my life took more effort than just making the purchase. I had to change my habits. As a mom, I know all about instilling consequences to encourage a desired behavior. So I created the rule that if I went into a store without them, as soon as I remembered I would ask customer service to watch my cart and go out to the car to get the bags. It only to a few self-imposed trips out into the parking lot before carrying my bags became habit.

“Environmentalism touches every part of our lives, from what we eat to what we wear to what we breathe,” says Earth Day Network President Kathleen Rogers. “Learning about where our food comes from or how a product is made can be fun,” she continues, “and awareness is the foundation for action.” To help inspire your eco-creativity and find new ideas, check out local Earth Day events.

In our feature article, Live Green, Save Big, author Crissy Trask shares five eco-friendly life decisions that can save us money while helping the planet. I was happy to find I was already making some of the suggested choices. I also found some new motivation for choosing what to place in my home. Nicole Alvarez, an architectural designer with Ellen Cassilly Architect, in Durham, North Carolina, who blogs at, stresses quality over quantity. She has found, “When space is limited, everything has a function and a purpose.” She believes that living intentionally can reduce stress and save money too.

In honor of Earth Day, this issue shares tips for green living. Try homemade eco-cleaners with our do-it-yourself recipes to keep your home naturally clean on page 28. Escape electromagnetic exposure by following the tips in our Healing Ways column.  Enjoy the recipes inspired by mushrooms, the delicate powerhouses of nutrition and medicine. And find out what National Geographic photographer James Balog has to say about climate change. This Earth Day I hope you find inspiration to make your life a little greener.


Here’s to green living!

Kris Urquhart, Publisher