Natural Treatments in Brevard County
Apr 05, 2011 01:53AM ● By Holly FalesAlthough medication for ADHD eases some of the symptoms while it is in effect, it does not improve the condition of the brain or produce any recovery of skills. Safer methods of treatment exist that can improve how the brain functions for attention and learning. These methods can improve attention and learning skills at a functional level, which may reduce or eliminate the need for medication. Improving these skills can help your child thrive in school and have a more successful outcome for their adult life. These neurotechnologies are not just offered in big cities, they are available here in Brevard County. Check with your insurance company as some plans provide coverage.
Attention performance – OPTAx or Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (CPT) are computerized tests of attention and self control that gives the clinician an objective measure of how an individual’s performance compares with same-aged peers on a number of tasks measuring impulsivity, inattention, and in the case of OPTAx, hyperactivity. The OPTAx may used for children ages 6-12;Conner’s CPT is used for other ages. IVA is a unique combined auditory and visual continuous performance test designed to help the clinician make an accurate diagnosis of ADHD. It includes an interpretation for educators.
Neurofeedback – Neurofeedback or "Brain Training" trains the skill of attention through visual and auditory feedback given from a computer. It is training for the brain that strengthens the brain’s natural ability to concentrate and relax.
Cognitive training– trains brain function and processing skills through repetitive exercises for memory, reasoning skills, and organizational skills.
Tomatis training – Tomatis is a pleasant music-based neuro-technology and is probably the easiest training. It is the most effective training for attention, language and reading deficits. Incredible Horizons A+ Academy provides Tomatis for their students. 85% of the students using ILS clinical Tomatis graduate from the program with appropriate attention skills and can lower medication or become medication free.
Supplements – Supplements are available that are designed for attention and learning difficulties. One such supplement, Balance Formula 1 by Innovative Choices, may be taken alone or as a supplement to reduce the dosage of ADHD medication. It has been known to improve speech and reduce the symptoms of Sensory Integration Disorder. When used in conjunction with other services, this type of supplement provides fuel for the brain as it recovers the ability to learn and pay attention.
Pediatric Occupational Therapists – The occupation of a child is play. Sometimes, when certain problems stand between a child and normal play, the help of an occupational therapist is needed. Challenges a child may be experiencing range from difficulty with handwriting and dressing themselves to poor coordination and fine motor skills. An evaluation helps pinpoint the problem and the cause. Occupational therapy uses purposeful activities to promote the greatest possible function in performing daily tasks.
Incredible Horizons – Melbourne
IVA Attention Performance Test, Nuerofeedback, Cognitive Training, Tomatis, Supplements
Owens Center – Melbourne
OPTAx and Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (CPT), Nuerofeedback
Jennings Cognitive Training Center – Satellite Beach
Cognitive Training
Family Chiropractic Center – Palm Bay
Child & Family Consultants – Melbourne
Pediatric Occupational provides more detailed information on these options and more. A+ Academy will host a parent information session on which test and therapy is best for your child and your budget on August 8th at 1pm. They are located at1855 Lansing St. in Melbourne (Promiseland Complex). For more information call 321-751-1313.
Holly M. Fales BS MA is author of a web site and several published informational briefs She has taught special needs children since 1983. Her master’s degree in counseling and specialized training has given her a desire to provide healthy but effective options for students with attention, reading and language difficulties.