Tarot Cards on the Treasure Coast

Eric Alder brings close to 25 years of experience reading Tarot Cards professionally to the Treasure Coast and beyond. As he transitions from his full-time profession, working in the aviation field, to his private practice as a full-time reader Alder wants potential clients to know, “I am dedicating myself to be of service to society through not only my years of experience as a reader but through my gift as an empath, which gives me the ability to read intuitively.”
Alder says he first became interested in tarot cards at the age of 11 and honed his craft throughout his adolescence and into adulthood, even making some modest spending money helping fellow students through readings while attending Stanford University.
Understanding that clients can be near and far, Alder has developed some unique methods of handling readings. Adler explains, “I’ve set up ways to assist my clients no matter where they live: via Skype or FaceTime; through videos that I make of a client’s reading that I then post on a private YouTube channel; through emailed PDF picture files of spreads and written explanation of their meanings; or, when close by, even good old fashion one-on-one in person sessions.”
For more information and rates, call 203-554-0937 or visit EsotericTarotCard.com.