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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

10-day Weight-loss Plan with $50 Gift Card

Jan Bell is excited to introduce The Purium 10-Day Transformation and offer a $50 gift card for those who would like to try the program.

The concept behind the 10-Day Transformation is using nutrient-dense superfoods, slow-burning carbs and highly-digestible protein to facilitate an effective and sustainable weight loss. “Importantly, you will not be consuming any processed, irradiated, denatured, or synthetic ingredients – only the most pure and premium superfoods,” says Bell. “By eliminating all processed foods during your transformation, your body will re-set itself, and you will train your cells to seek nutrition instead of calories.”

Purium products are all-natural, organic, vegan and do not contain GMOs. There is a Gluten-free Transformation option as well. The program is designed for participants to lose 5-20 pounds in 10 days.

“Purium's 10-Day Transformation is a clean and green way to break food addictions while supplying your body with the essential nutrients it needs,” says Bell. “With this program you get Vegan Protein for your muscles, organic PowerShake for your nutrition, Mica Miracle for minerals and electrolytes, Daily Fiber Blend for regular elimination, and Apothe-Cherry which contains melatonin for a good night’s sleep.”

Purium offers a money-back guarantee. To redeem your $50-off gift card, go to and enter code “Jan Bell”. For more information, call 321-863-8078.